Notes, notes, notes…

My OneNote on the iPhone is playing up at the moment. I’m so used to it being available and ready that when I quickly want to make some digital notes but it hangs and doesn’t work it leaves me wondering if I need to think about changing.
I use the notes across PC, MacBook and iPhone. Evernote was my app of choice but when they started charging I looked around at the alternatives. I’m already playing for Office 2016’s yearly subscription and get  1 Tb of disk space in the cloud so OneNote seemed to tick all the boxes. Microsoft also provided a migration tool so it wasn’t too hard to transfer everything across.
It’s not as good as Evernote – a bit clunky – but did the job. Until now. 

So what are my options? I could use other apps, like DayOne, for some diary stuff but I do like having everything under one roof.

So I think I’ll give Evernote another go for a year. I can always migrate back again.

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