Persistence overcomes resistance

I have a new motivational line to add to my list: Persistence overcomes resistance

Steven Pressfield in his book “Do The Work” highlights the main enemy of any endeavor as “Resistance”. Michael Hyatt also call this the “Sticky Middle” when struggling to get things done.

It’s a helpful reminder that even with all my tools and plans there will still be times when it’s hard to press through.

But knowing that this is there and will happen gives me the courage and determination to press through on the hard days.

I’m grateful that it will be all worth it.

Notes, notes, notes…

My OneNote on the iPhone is playing up at the moment. I’m so used to it being available and ready that when I quickly want to make some digital notes but it hangs and doesn’t work it leaves me wondering if I need to think about changing.
I use the notes across PC, MacBook and iPhone. Evernote was my app of choice but when they started charging I looked around at the alternatives. I’m already playing for Office 2016’s yearly subscription and get  1 Tb of disk space in the cloud so OneNote seemed to tick all the boxes. Microsoft also provided a migration tool so it wasn’t too hard to transfer everything across.
It’s not as good as Evernote – a bit clunky – but did the job. Until now. 

So what are my options? I could use other apps, like DayOne, for some diary stuff but I do like having everything under one roof.

So I think I’ll give Evernote another go for a year. I can always migrate back again.

Identity crisis

I find it hard to describe what I do.

I’m a full time self employed IT person (over at but I also work as a part time pastor. That’s not a job I get paid for but it can absorb many worthy hours of time and energy. There are other terms to describe this – marketplace elder, volunteer pastor, bivocational being some of them.

And within those roles I also wear a number of different hats, project manager, software developer, strategic planner, counsellor, visitor, tea drinker, prayer as well as the family ones as husband, father, grandfather, son.

This could lead to an identity crisis but I find the words of the current Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby helpful when he was talking about the recent revelation that his father wasn’t the man he thought he was.

justinwelby“I know that I find who I am in Jesus Christ, not in genetics, and my identity in him never changes.”









When big news items break, our news programs and social media become filled with the cry of lots of different voices – “we must do this” or “why isn’t someone doing something about that”.

But which voice is right and who can we trust?

The bible also speaks about a voice, but this one isn’t from a government or a celebrity. It’s from a man in the desert – “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”.

No one knows how world events will turn out. The voices are all guessing as to the outcome and things don’t always turn out how you expect.

But if you listen carefully you’ll hear the voice of one who is calling your name.

Today take time to stop and listen to him. You’ll be surprised at what He has to say to you.



I’m a simple man at heart. When working I like to focus on one task at one time, and ideally work in it until it’s completed.

For me multitasking generates a lot of stress and I rarely feel I’ve accomplished much by the end of the day.

Today I’ve been reviewing the nine goals I’d really like to achieve this year – and deciding to cut them down to four! I’ll see how that goes and hopefully I’ll end up getting something done soon.



I recently reviewed my list of the things I’d like to get done in 2015. Given that we’re 4 months into this year, the results were not encouraging. There is only a little progress to be seen and I’m still trying to finish off jobs which have drifted on for a number of months.

My normal reaction would be to become very frustrated at my lack progress but instead I was reminded of two things:

  • Be grateful for the progress – even if it’s small, it still takes me to nearer to the finishing line.
  • Giving thanks is much better than expressing regret.

So today I’m choosing to celebrate what’s been done. As Paul puts it “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess 5:16-18 NASB